Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
Pascal/Delphi Source File
187 lines
{ High resolution graphics for Epson printers }
{ }
{ From: Bridger, M and M Goresky "High-Resolution Printer }
{ Graphics", Byte, vol. 10, no. 12, November 1985, }
{ pp. 219-232 }
across = 1599;
down = 39;
data_type = array[0..across,0..down] of char;
mask_array = array[0..7] of byte;
Evenmap, Oddmap: ^data_type;
M, R: mask_array;
procedure Init_mem;
var I, J: integer;
begin { Init_mem }
new (Evenmap); { Set aside space in }
new (Oddmap); { memory for arrays }
for J := 0 to down do
for I := 0 to across do begin
oddmap^[I,J] := chr(0); { Initialize both arrays }
evenmap^[I,J] := chr(0) { to all bytes = 0 }
end; { Init_mem }
procedure Printout;
var n_lo, n_hi: byte;
I, J: integer;
begin { Printout }
n_hi := (across+1) div 256;
n_lo := (across+1) mod 256;
for J := 0 to down do begin
{ Enter graphics mode, give number of bytes coming }
write (Lst, chr(27), 'Z', chr(n_lo), chr(n_hi));
for I := 0 to across do
write (Lst, evenmap^[I,J]); { print even row }
write (Lst, chr(13)); { carriage return }
write (Lst, chr(27), '3', chr(1)); { set LF to 1/3 dot }
write (Lst, chr(10)); { linefeed }
{ Enter graphics mode, give number of bytes coming }
write (Lst, chr(27), 'Z', chr(n_lo), chr(n_hi));
for I := 0 to across do
write (Lst, oddmap^[I,J]); { print odd row }
write (Lst, chr(13)); { carriage return }
write (Lst, chr(27), '3', chr(22)); { set LF to 7 1/3 dots }
write (Lst, chr(10)) { linefeed }
end; { Printout }
procedure PixelMasks;
var I: integer;
begin { PixelMasks }
M[7] := 1;
for I := 6 downto 0 do
M[I] := 2 * M[I+1];
for I := 0 to 7 do
R[I] := 255 - M[I]
end; { PixelMasks }
{ Change given byte from present value to given value = color }
procedure Change (var Char_byte: char; color, height: integer);
var Old: integer;
begin { Change }
Old := ord (Char_byte);
case color of
1: Old := Old OR M[height]; { Insert set bit using }
0: Old := Old AND R[height] { proper pixel mask }
Char_byte := chr(Old)
end; { Change }
{ Writes dot at position (x,y) in memory arrays }
procedure Pset (x, y, color: integer);
var I, line, height: integer;
begin { Pset }
{ Draw dot on screen, scaling by ratio of printer width and }
{ height to screen width and height }
Plot (x * 2 div 5, y * 5 div 16, white);
color := color mod 2;
line := y div 16; { vertical position of pixel }
height := (y mod 16) div 2; { consists of line and height }
if (y mod 2 = 0) then
change (evenmap^[x,line], color, height)
change (oddmap^[x,line], color, height);
end; { Pset }
{ Bresenham's line drawing algorithm }
procedure Pixel_Line (x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
var x, y, z, a, b, dx, dy, d, deltap, deltaq: integer;
begin { Pixel_Line }
dx := abs (x2 - x1);
dy := abs (y2 - y1);
if (dy <= dx) then begin { Slope <= 1 }
x := x1; y := y1; z := x2;
if (x1 <= x2)
then a := 1
else a := -1;
if (y1 <= y2)
then b := 1
else b := -1;
deltap := dy + dy;
d := deltap - dx;
deltaq := d - dx;
Pset (x, y, 1);
while (x <> z) do begin
x := x + a;
if (d < 0) then
d := d + deltap
else begin
y := y + b;
d := d + deltaq
Pset (x, y, 1)
else begin { dx <= dy, so view x as a function of y }
y := y1; x := x1; z := y2;
if (y1 <= y2)
then a := 1
else a := -1;
if ( x1 <= x2)
then b := 1
else b := -1;
deltap := dx + dx;
d := deltap - dy;
deltaq := d - dy;
Pset (x, y, 1);
while (y <> z) do begin
y:= y + a;
if (d < 0) then
d := d + deltap
else begin
x := x + b;
d := d + deltaq
Pset (x, y, 1)
end; { Pixel_Line }